The Chateau de Lordat is one of oldest and the vastest feudal castles of the Comte de Foix, in the Ariege. It is a typical example of the medieval military architecture of the Pyrenees ariegeoises.
Its construction probably goes back to the IXth and Xth centuries. The Chateau de Lordat is mentioned as of 970. In 1034, it is yielded by Bernard, Comte de Carcassonne, with his son junior Roger, first comte de Foix. About 1244, it was occupied by the cathares during the crusade against the Albigensians. At the end of the XIIIth century, king of Aragon seizes it and asks for its destruction.
The family of Lordat gave up the chateau at the time of the wars of religion. Dismantled on the order of Henri IV in 1582, it will fall little by little in ruins. The entry protected by a square tower still preserves its aspect of origin.
The castle of Lordat was classified a historic building on September 18 1923.
Consolidation work and of development was undertaken by the community since 1999.